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2023 Year End Tax Planning Guide

Key Tax Time Strategies


1.    Delay deriving assessable income

One effective strategy is to delay deriving your income until after June 30, 2023 by:

a. Delaying the timing of the derivation of Income until after June 30.

b. Timing of raising invoices for incomplete work (Businesses)

This can only be done when this strategy will not adversely affect your cash flow. Please note, not banking amounts received before June 30 until after June 30 does NOT qualify because the income is deemed to have been earned when the money is received, or the goods or services are provided (depending on whether you are on a cash or accruals basis of accounting).

  • Cash Basis Income - Some income is taxable on a cash receipts basis rather than on an accrual basis (e.g. rental income or interest income in certain cases).
  • Consider delaying your invoices to customers until after July 1, which will push the derivation of the income into the next financial year and defer the tax payable on that income. If you operate on the cash basis of accounting, you simply need to delay receiving the money from your customers until after June 30.
  • Lump Sum Amounts - Where a lump sum is likely to be received close to the end of a financial year, you should consider whether this amount (or part thereof) can be delayed or spread over future periods.

2. Bringing forward deductible expenses or losses

Prepayment of Expenses - In some circumstances, Small Businesses (SBE) and individuals who derive passive type income (such as rental income and dividends) should consider pre-paying expenses prior to 30 June 2023. A tax deduction can be brought forward into this financial year for expenses like:

  • Employee Superannuation Payments including the 10.5% Superannuation Guarantee Contributions for the June 2023 quarter (any such payment has to be received by the Superannuation Fund by June 30).
  • Superannuation for Business Owners, Directors and Associated Persons.
  • Wages, bonuses, commissions, and allowances
  • Contractor Payments
  • Travel and accommodation expenses
  • Trade creditors
  • Rent for July 2023 (and possibly future additional months)
  • Insurances including Income Protection Insurance
  • Printing, Stationery and Office Supplies
  • Advertising including Directory Listings
  • Utility Expenses - Telephone, Electricity & Gas
  • Motor Vehicle Expenses - Registration and Insurance
  • Accounting Fees
  • Subscriptions and Memberships to Professional Associations and Trade Journals
  • Repairs and Maintenance to Investment Properties
  • Self Education Costs
  • Home Office Expenses – deductible gift recipient.
  • Donations to Deductible Gift Recipient organizations
  • If appropriate, consider prepaying any deductible investment loan interest. This could include interest payments on an investment loan for either an investment or commercial property or an investment portfolio you hold.

A deduction for prepaid expenses will generally be allowed where the payment is made before 30 June 2023 for services to be rendered within a 12-month period.

Capital Gains/Losses 

– Note that the contract date (not the settlement date) is often the key sale date for capital gains tax purposes, and when it comes to the sale of an asset that triggers a capital gain or capital loss, you need to consider your overall investment strategy when making the decision to sell. Here are some important points regarding the management of capital gains and capital losses on sale of your assets from a tax planning perspective:

1. If appropriate, consider deferring the sale of an asset with an expected capital gain (and applicable capital gains tax liability) until it has been held for 12 months or longer. By doing so, you could reduce your personal income tax. For example, if you hold an asset for under 12 months, any capital gain you make may be assessed in its entirety upon the sale of that asset.


2. * A capital gain will be assessable in the financial year it is crystallised.

3. If appropriate, consider deferring the sale of an asset with an expected capital gain (and applicable capital gains tax liability) to a future financial year. By doing this, you could help reduce your personal income tax for the current financial year. This could also be of benefit if, for example, you expect that your income will be lower in future financial years compared to the current financial year.

4. If appropriate, consider offsetting a crystallised capital gain with an existing capital loss (carried forward or otherwise) or bringing forward the sale of an asset currently sitting at a loss. By doing this, you could reduce your personal income tax for the current financial year. Note that a capital loss can only be used to offset a capital gain.

Accounts Payable (Creditors) 

- If you operate on an accruals basis and services have been provided to your business, ensure that you have an invoice dated June 30, 2023 or before, so you can take up the expense in your accounts for the year ended 30th June 2023.

Obligations that need to be considered in relation to the end of financial year. 

If you use a Motor Vehicle in producing your income you may need to:

  • Record Motor Vehicle Odometer readings at 30 June 2023
  • Prepare a log book for 12 continuous weeks if your existing one is more than 5 years old.
If you are in business or earn your income through a Company or Trust:
Employer Compulsory Superannuation Obligations:

The deadline for employers to pay Superannuation Guarantee Contributions for the 2022/23 financial year is the 28 July 2023.  However, if you want to claim a tax deduction in the 2022/23 tax year the super fund (or Small Business Superannuation Clearing House) must receive the contributions by 30 June 2023. Avoid making contributions at the last minute because processing delays could deny you a significant tax deduction in this financial year.

  • For Private Company - Div 7A Loans  - Business owners who have borrowed funds from their company in prior years must ensure that the appropriate principal and interest loan repayments are made by 30 June 2023.
  • Trustee Resolutions - ensure that the Trustee Resolutions on how the income from the trust is distributed to the beneficiaries are prepared and signed before June 30, 2023 for all Discretionary (“Family”) Trusts.
  • Preparation of Stock Count Working Papers at June 30, 2023.
  • Preparation and reconciliation of Employee PAYG Payment Summaries (formerly known as Group Certificates). Note you are not required to supply your employees with payment summaries for amounts you have reported and finalised through Single Touch Payroll.

From 1 July 2023:

The compulsory Super Guarantee Contribution rate increases from 10.5 % to 11% from July 1, 2023.

Company Tax Rates For Small Business
  • The company tax rate for base rate entities with less than $50 million turnover was 25% for the 2021/22 year. This rate will remain at 25% for 2022/23 income year. A base rate entity is a company that both has an aggregated turnover less than the aggregated turnover threshold and 80% or less of their assessable income is base rate entity passive income.

Other Tax effective Strategies For Businesses

  • Stock Valuation Options - Review your Stock on Hand and Work in Progress listings before June 30 to ensure that it is valued at the lower of Cost or Net Realisable Value. Any stock that is carried at a value higher than you could realise on sale (after all costs associated with the sale) should be written down to that Net Realisable Value in your stock records.
  • Write-Off Bad Debts – If you operate on an accruals basis of accounting (as distinct from a cash basis) you should write-off bad debts from your debtors listing before June 30. A bad debt is an amount that is owed to you that you consider is uncollectable or not economically feasible to pursue collection. Unless these debts are physically recorded as a ‘bad debt’ in your system before 30th June 2023, a deduction will not be allowable in the current financial year.
  • Repairs and Maintenance Costs  – Where possible and cash flow allows, consider bringing these repairs forward to before June 30. If you don’t understand the distinction between a repair and a capital improvement please consult with us because some capital improvements may not be tax-deductible in the current year and could be claimable over a number of years as depreciation.
  • Obsolete Plant and Equipment - should be scrapped or decommissioned prior to June 30, 2023 to enable the book value to be claimed as a tax deduction.
  • Use of a Bucket Company to receive distributions from your Discretionary Trust 

Superannuation Tax Planning Opportunities

INCREASE IN SUPER GUARANTEE CONTRIBUTION RATE.  From July 1, 2023 the compulsory Super Guarantee Contribution rate increases from 10.5 % to 11%.

The maximum super contribution base used to determine the maximum limit on any individual employee's earnings base for each quarter of 2022/22 is $58,920 and for 2022/23 is $60,220 per quarter. You do not have to provide the minimum support for the part of earnings above this limit.


The tax-deductible superannuation contribution limit or cap is $27,500 for all individuals regardless of their age for the 2022/23 financial year.

  • If eligible and appropriate, consider making the most of your 2022/23 financial year annual concessional contributions cap with a concessional contribution. Note that other contributions such as employer Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (SGC) and salary sacrifice contributions will have already used up part of your concessional contributions cap. If your total superannuation balance as at June 30, 2022 was less than $500,000 you may be in a position to carry-forward unused concessional caps starting from the 2018/19 financial year. Members can access their unused concessional contributions caps on a rolling basis for five years and amounts carried forward that have not been used after five years will expire. The 2019/20 financial year was the first year in which you could access unused concessional contribution and by making a concessional contribution to your super, you could reduce your personal income tax for this financial year and provide for your future retirement.

Non-Concessional Contributions Cap

  •  If eligible and appropriate, consider utilizing all or part of your 2022/23 financial year annual non-concessional contributions cap by making a non-concessional contribution. If you are not currently in a non-concessional contributions bring forward period, consider whether you may be in a position to ‘bring-forward’ your non-concessional contributions caps for the 2023/24 and 2024/25 financial years, and contribute up to $330,000 for the 2022/23 financial year.

  • A non-concessional contribution generally refers to an after-tax contribution that isn’t (or can’t be) claimed as a tax deduction by the contributor, e.g. personal contributions not claimed as a tax deduction and spouse contributions (for the recipient).

  • The advantage of making the maximum tax-deductible superannuation contribution before June 30, 2023 is that superannuation contributions are taxed at between 15% and 30%, compared to personal tax rates of between 32.5% and 45% (plus 2% Medicare levy) for an individual taxpayer earning over $45,000. Typically, self-employed individuals and those who earn their income primarily from passive sources like investments make their super contributions close to the end of the financial year to claim a tax deduction. However, individuals who are employees may also use this strategy and those who might want to take advantage of this opportunity would typically include individuals:
    • who work for an employer that does not permit salary sacrifice,
    • who work for an employer that does enable salary sacrifice (but it is not disadvantageous due to a reduction in entitlements), and
    • who are salary sacrificing but want to make a top-up contribution to utilise their full concessional contributions cap.


The Government co-contribution is designed to boost the superannuation savings of low and middle-income earners who earn at least 10% of their income from employment or running a business. If your income is within the thresholds listed in the table below and you make a ‘non-concessional contribution’ to your superannuation, you may be eligible for a Government co-contribution of up to $500. To be eligible you must be under 71 years of age as at June 30, 2022. In 2022/23, the maximum co-contribution is available if you contribute $1,000 and earn $42,016 or less. A lower amount may be received if you contribute less than $1,000 and/or earn between $42,016 and $57,016.


If your marginal tax rate is 19% or more, salary sacrificing can be an effective way to boost your superannuation and also reduce your tax. By putting pre-tax salary into superannuation instead of having it taxed at your marginal tax rate you may save tax. This can be particularly beneficial for employees approaching retirement age.

Immediate Write-Off for Individuals Small Business Assets

Temporary Full Expensing allows businesses to claim an immediate deduction for the business portion of the cost of an asset being eligible plant, equipment and motor vehicles in the year it is first used or installed ready for use for a taxable purpose. For the 2022-23 income year, a business can claim an immediate deduction for the business portion of the cost of:

  • Eligible new assets first held, first used or installed and ready for use for a taxable purpose between 7.30pm AEDT on 6 October 2020 and 30 June 2023.
  • Eligible second-hand assets for businesses with aggregated turnover under $50 million - eligible depreciating assets using the simplified depreciation rules (only for small businesses with aggregated turnover of less than $10 million and less than $2 million for previous income years) and the balance of their small business pool.

If you are a small business entity that chooses to use the simplified depreciation rules, temporary full expensing rules apply with some modifications.

You cannot opt out of temporary full expensing for assets that the simplified depreciation rules apply to. You must immediately deduct the business portion of the asset’s cost for assets you start to hold, and first use (or have installed ready for use) for a taxable purpose from 7.30pm (AEDT) on 6 October 2020 to 30 June 2023. You don’t add these assets to your small business pool.

You may also deduct the balance of the small business pool at the end of an income year ending between 6 October 2020 and 30 June 2023.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • For the instant asset write-off the asset can be new or second-hand.
  • To be eligible, the asset must be purchased by a business turning over less than $50m or $500 million after 12th March 2020.
  • The amount must be under $150,000 (depending on date of purchase – it could be $30K or $25K or $20K) exclusive of GST (i.e. $165,000, $33K, $27.5K or $22K including GST)
  • If you borrow to purchase the asset, the asset is still eligible.
  • The asset must be installed and ready to use by the deadline.
  • To claim the write off on a motor vehicle you will need to have a valid log book and claim only that percentage of the cost as an immediate write off.
  • If you purchase a car for your business, the instant asset write-off is limited to the business portion of the car limit of $64,741 for the 2022/23 income tax year.
  • Any attempt to manipulate invoices etc. will attract the ATO's use of the anti-avoidance rules, thereby eliminating the write off.
  • If your business has a small profit or even a loss, the write off will be of little or no benefit in the current year (losses are not refundable but can be carried forward to the next year).
  • Building structural improvements are not eligible for the instant write-off.
  • If your business is not a ‘Small Business Entity’ you will need to depreciate all assets purchased over $1,000. Any assets purchased for $1,000 or less can be written off immediately.

Accelerated Depreciation Deductions

Newly-acquired depreciating assets valued at more than $30,000 (or $150,000 post 12th March 2020) and not applied to the instant asset write-off deduction can be added to the general business pool. As part of the backing business incentive, an accelerated depreciation deduction of 57.5 percent for the business portion of the new depreciating asset applies for the cost of an asset on installation from 12th March 2020 to 30th June 2023 and existing depreciation rules apply (15 per cent for the first year and 30 per cent for subsequent years) to the balance of the asset’s cost and for subsequent years. There is no limit to the cost of a qualifying depreciating asset eligible for this concession, but the asset must be new and not second-hand.

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Henry Perlen - Principal

Representing over 40 years of experience, Henry has built his professional relationship upon advising private clients on their financial and taxation affairs. Henry is a trusted advisor to a number of private enterprises and family business owners, providing financial and tax directions at the family and corporate levels. He ensures that tax and financial governance requirements are managed without fuss. Henry is proud to lead a team with a diverse skillset that manages the balance of a smaller firm but with a strong commercial and practical approach to business and taxation matters.

He has worked in insolvency, taxation, audit and general business services over a number of years and his personal passion is in the area of business planning, superannuation planning and estate planning especially in respect of intergenerational wealth transfer.

Kevin Lau - Principal

Kevin is a Chartered Accountant and a Principal at APNL.

With over a decade of experience, he brings broad taxation expertise to the firm in the areas of compliance accounting, business advisory and tax consulting for Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s).

Kevin takes pride in offering a personalised approach to his clients. Recognising the unique challenges each business faces, he provides tailored strategies to navigate the intricate tax landscape, fostering growth and ensuring compliance.

His clients have benefited from his broad taxation expertise and commercial acumen including those in manufacturing, hospitality, advertising, property, healthcare, professional services and a range of other industries.

Kevin has a keen interest in the superannuation industry, assisting clients with their retirement and estate planning needs.

In his spare time Kevin enjoys playing soccer, snowboarding, travelling and spending time with family and friends.


At APNL, we take pride in our extensive advisory capabilities designed to cater to businesses of all types and sizes. Our expertise encompasses a diverse range of services, including assisting with business structure selection, offering restructuring guidance, and providing valuable risk advice. Whether you are embarking on a new venture, seeking to acquire, enhance, expand, or divest your business, you can rely on APNL to offer comprehensive and personalized assistance. Our client-centric approach ensures that we delve into the intricacies of each situation, offering tailored solutions to meet your unique needs.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: 03 9654 2022 or email us at info@apnl.com.au

Business & Corporate Structuring

Our Business & Corporate Structuring service is designed to cater specifically to your needs, whether you're launching a new venture, expanding operations, or planning for succession. Our expert advisors are committed to tailoring the perfect solution for you and your business.

With a focus on fostering a mentoring relationship, our firm provides unwavering support to help business owners make informed decisions. By working closely with our experienced Advisors, we gain valuable insights into your business and objectives, allowing us to address challenges as they arise and strategize for improved operations and financial outcomes.

Our approach revolves around the following key principles:

  1. Defining Clear Personal and Business Goals: We work collaboratively to establish well-defined goals for both you and your business, ensuring alignment and clarity.
  2. Planning and Implementation: Together, we chart a path to achieve these objectives, meticulously planning and implementing actions to drive success.
  3. Mentorship and Ongoing Support: Our dedicated team establishes a nurturing mentoring relationship with you, providing continuous support through regular contact and guidance.

At APNL, we work with businesses at various stages of the business life cycle, including start-ups and established enterprises, whether large or small. Our comprehensive range of services includes:

  • Management Reporting & Analysis
  • Budgeting and Forecasting
  • Financial Analysis – Cost/Margins
  • Asset Structures
  • Bookkeeping Support
  • Business Appraisals
  • Due Diligence
  • Business Plan
  • Succession Planning/Business Sale
  • Business Grants
  • Business Coaching
  • Software Solutions

Get in touch with us today and take the first step towards optimizing your business's potential.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: 03 9654 2022 or email us at info@apnl.com.au


Most enterprises encounter shared challenges irrespective of their industry. We take pride in offering clients sound counsel and expert guidance to effectively manage cash flow and foster optimal business growth.

Our proficient team is well-equipped to assist you with a range of intricate tax matters, encompassing tax consolidation, business succession planning, and remuneration options, ensuring strict adherence to all compliance, legislative, and taxation requirements.

Our comprehensive array of services includes:

  1. Financial Statement Preparation
  2. Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Lodgment for individuals, partnerships, joint ventures, companies trust, and superannuation funds.
  3. Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) requirements
  4. Tax planning and problem solving
  5. Bank covenant reporting
  6. Three-way financial projections

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: 03 9654 2022 or email us at info@apnl.com.au

Self-Managed Superannuation Funds

We have the expertise to assist you in determining whether an SMSF is suitable for your needs. Our comprehensive support spans from establishing your SMSF to handling its ongoing administration to ensure compliance.

Rest assured, we will keep you and your trustees informed about the ever-changing superannuation landscape, including rules and regulations.

Our services are proudly delivered locally and in-house, providing you with peace of mind regarding the privacy of your information and the quality of our service.

Our offered services include:

  • Administration and Compliance, encompassing:
  • Tax Returns
  • Preparation of Financial Statements
  • Facilitating Annual Independent Audits
  • Fund establishment and Trust Deed Updates
  • Pension Establishment
  • Tax and Strategic Advice

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: 03 9654 2022 or email us at info@apnl.com.au

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Secure File Transfer

Secure File Transfer is a facility that allows the safe and secure exchange of confidential files or documents between you and us.

Email is very convenient in our business world, there is no doubting that. However email messages and attachments can be intercepted by third parties, putting your privacy and identity at risk if used to send confidential files or documents. Secure File Transfer eliminates this risk.

Login to Secure File Transfer, or contact us if you require a username and password.

Privacy Notice

APNL Pty Ltd Chartered Accountants and Advisors ("APNL") understands that in globalising world, protection of your privacy and information is of the utmost importance. We are dedicated to protecting your personal information especially the collection, use and storage of information. At APNL, we understand the significance you place on information that identifies you ("your personal information"), and we are committed to assisting you in safeguarding it.

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) form the cornerstone of the privacy protection policy that APNL Pty Ltd are statutorily bound and abide by steadfastly. This Privacy Policy outlines how we manage the information we collect about you when you provide personal information to us in person, by mail or email, or when you visit our website.

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We will only collect personal information that you voluntarily provide to us or have given us prior consent. The ways we may collect personal information from you include, but are not limited to:

Please note that in some cases, providing certain personal information may be necessary for us to provide you with the requested services or information. If you choose not to provide us with specific personal information, it may hinder our ability to fulfill your requests.

Types of Personal Information We Collect

The personal information we may collect from you includes, but is not limited to:

Use of Your Personal Information

APNL and our associated entities will use the personal information you provide for the purpose of providing the agreed-upon services, such as accounting or business advisory services. Additionally, we may use this information for internal business and management processes, monitoring and improving our website, keeping you informed about our services and company news, and fulfilling our legal obligations.

Prior to providing products or services to you APNL is obliged by law to collect, and verify, certain personal information from you. The statutes governing these requirements include:

Direct Marketing

We may use your personal information for marketing purposes related to our services. If you do not wish to receive marketing material from us, you can unsubscribe by following the instructions provided in the communication or by contacting us directly.

Disclosure of Your Personal Information

Your personal information will only be disclosed to employees or consultants of APNL and its associated entities who are involved in providing the agreed-upon services. Depending on the nature of the engagement, we may need to disclose your personal information to third parties, which may include service and content providers, dealers and agents, or our contractors and advisors.

Security Procedures

APNL takes the security of your personal information seriously and implements reasonable measures to protect it from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification, and disclosure. We regularly review our security procedures to ensure their effectiveness.

However, please be aware that transmitting data over the Internet is not entirely secure, and we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted to us via electronic means such as via e-mail. Such transmissions are done at your own risk.

Data Breach Notification

In the event of an "eligible data breach" as defined by the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017 (Cth), we will notify affected individuals, including you, and the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) in accordance with the law. If you believe a data breach has occurred or have concerns about your privacy, please contact us as detailed below.

Access and Correction of Personal Information

You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you and to request corrections if you believe the information is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated. To access or correct your personal information, please contact us at info@apnl.com.au. We will respond to your request within 2 business days.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy represents our current practices and may be updated from time to time for various reasons. Any changes will be published on our website, and your continued use of our services and website signifies your acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.

Complaints Resolution

APNL is committed to resolving privacy-related concerns fairly and responsibly. If you have any concerns about how we handle your personal information, please contact us using the details provided below. We will address your concerns through our complaints handling process and provide you with an outcome in a reasonable timeframe. If you remain dissatisfied with our response, you may refer your concerns to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, requests, or concerns related to this Privacy Policy or your personal information, please contact us at:

APNL Pty Ltd Chartered Accountants and Advisors

Postal address: PO Box 630 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 3053

Email: info@apnl.com.au

By using our website and providing us with your personal information, you indicate your understanding of and agree to comply with the terms and conditions set out in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please refrain from using our website or providing us with your personal information. This Privacy Policy was last updated in August 2023.